So I've landed at the DNC! It's every bit as exciting, crazy, and random as I expected it would be!
I'm staying at the Sheraton Downtown with the entire California and New York delegations. The days are jam packed with different events, parties, forums, debates, performances etc. Last night we jumped around from a Katrina benefit, to a civil rights concert, to the young dems party, to a late night of chatting with various delegates from around the state. We had a California delegation breakfast this morning where Nancy Pelosi spoke, as well as pretty much every other major elected California politician. There are famous media personalities and celebrities everywhere. Like I said, pretty surreal.
There is definitely the feeling that this is the new democratic party and that we are the future of it. There are lots of conversations about future political races and what we are "going to do next." People recognize the extraordinary power of this movement that has been created and its potential to really change this country. It is definitely an exciting time.
The other common point of discussion is the Hillary issue. People are concerned about what the Hillary delegates are going to do, and whether there is going to be any embarrassing media coverage. With that said, my sense is that things are going to go just fine. The Hillary people are fired up, as they should be, but the large majority are also sporting their Obama gear and are totally on board. It is also clear that the DNC folks are taking this issue very seriously and working with Hillary and her people to make sure that everything goes smoothly. I've tried to do my part in talking to Hillary delegates and seeking out the ones from the Bay Area. I honestly have not felt any tension in that respect at all.
I didn't have a camera yesterday or this morning (don't worry, others took a lot of photos!) but I'm going to borrow one and I should have more photos up in future blogs. :)'
More soon...
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Hey Matt! Debz here (still in London).
Glad to hear things are going well out in Denver.
I look forward to more updates.
Fired up!
- Debz
Post more, Haney! We miss you. I keep waiting for a clip of you dancing to make it on the air.
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